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Higher Education Journals: The College Student Affairs Journal

The College Student Affairs Journal---University of Oklahoma and Louisiana State Press---Article Limit: 6,500 words


The College Student Affairs Journal is a national peer-reviewed academic journal primarily aimed at reporting original qualitative or quantitative research on topics of interest to student affairs researchers, practitioners, and faculty. Occasionally, articles also include research reports, updates on professional issues, examinations of legal and policy issues, dialogues and debates, historical articles, literature reviews, opinion pieces, or projections of future trends. The College Student Affairs Journal also publishes reviews of recently published books on student affairs leadership, administration, policy, and practice.

Submission Guidelines:

Types of Manuscripts Accepted:

As a national peer reviewed professional journal, The College Student Affairs Journal primarily seeks manuscripts which report original qualitative or quantitative research regarding topics of interest to student affairs practitioners, graduate students and faculty. In addition, however, general articles may include research reports, updates on professional issues, examinations of legal and policy issues, dialogues and debates, historical articles, literature reviews, opinion pieces, or projections of future trends. Each year The College Student Affairs Journal publishes a special topics issue. If you have a topic about which you would like to see a special issue, including eight to ten articles, please contact the editors. If you would be interested in serving as a "guest editor” for a special issue, please also inform the editors of your interest in doing so.

Publication Schedule:

Twice yearly, fall and spring.




Current Index to Journals in Education and Higher Education Abstracts.

Concurrent Submissions to Other Publications:

Not accepted.

Style Guide:

Manuscripts should follow the style of the Sixth Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). Authors should particularly note this manual's recommendation to use active voice and first person narration. All copy should be typed, double-spaced in Times New Roman 12-point font with notes, references, tables, and figures appearing at the end of the manuscript per APA style.

Special Format Guidelines:

The first page of the manuscript should include the article title; the name, position, and institutional affiliation of each author; and appropriate contact information for editorial response. The article’s first text page should include the manuscript title, but no information that would identify any author.

Recommended Length:

Manuscripts submitted for the Articles section generally range between 3,000 and 6,500 words including abstract, tables, figures, and references.

Figures and Graphs:

Supply camera-ready art.

Manuscript Submission:

Authors should prepare and submit two versions of their manuscript. One should be a complete text, which should include a title page identifying the author/s, and should be named "File not for Review” while in the second, all information identifying the author should be removed to allow for peer reviewing of anonymous manuscripts. Please name this "Anonymous File for Review.”

If this instruction is not followed, then the article will have to be unsubmitted and the author requested to resubmit.

Review Process:

All submissions are refereed using a blind review system. Evaluative criteria include significance of topic, clarity of presentation, style of writing, usefulness to practitioners and/or importance for scholarship, contribution to the student affairs profession, and quality of methodology or program. Notification of acceptance or rejection of all manuscripts will be made by the editor. All manuscripts received and approved for publication become the property of the association. All others will be returned on request. The editor reserves the right to edit or rewrite accepted articles to meet the Journal’s standards.

Revise and Resubmit:

When you revise your manuscript please highlight the changes you make in the manuscript by using the track changes mode in MS Word. Please DO NOT simply bold or highlight your revisions. You will need to upload two versions of your revised article following the same procedure as for submitting your initial version:

1. A version with track changes visible should be resubmitted and titled "track changes."

2. A "clean” version should be resubmitted and titled "manuscript for review purposes.”

Please ensure that both versions are entirely anonymous.

Additionally, please submit a file named "Author’s Response to Decision” to detail the changes you have made and in response to which reviewer comments. Please do not identify yourself (and your co-authors if applicable). The text entered here is potentially sent to reviewers and the author/s must be anonymous.

Book Reviews:

Book reviews are not currently considered for publication in the College Student Affairs Journal. Should the Editors choose to accept submissions of book reviews, an announcement will be made on this website, as well as the website for the Southern Association of College Student Affairs.

Editorial Correspondence:

Direct all manuscript submissions, queries, and inquiries to:

Aaron W. Hughey, College Student Affairs Journal Co-editor at